Photo by Carly Mask
When I boarded the plane to return to the states from India last May, I honestly didn't think I would return for a while - if ever. We travel to countries, fall in love with the people, and promise to visit. Ten years pass and the sights, smells and people become a sweet, distant memory. For me, the smells of burning wood in the hills of Kenya and the genuine laughter of the Pokot women and men linger in my mind and are etched in my journals. The view of the Promised Land from the height of Mount Nebo in Jordan often resurfaces in my dreams. I embrace the experience and relish in the memory but have yet to return to the lands far away that have impacted my journey. However, in a few short days I will embark on my second adventure to India to soak up more of the country's colorful culture and vibrant personality.
My journey to India will look slightly different than the last. This year, I will experience the land Carly Burson (founder of Tribe Alive and Northern bff) and my soon-to-be new friends, Erin Loechner and Michael Newsted! We will make new memories together, while visiting the amazing and talented artisans who are creating new Tribe Alive designs. From an indigo dying house to a weavers place, we will watch as amazing artisans give life to Tribe Alive designs. Carly will make new best friends because she never meets a stranger. Michael will capture beautiful, raw moments through his camera lens. Erin will style, write and take over Tribe Alive's social. I will most likely do something to embarrass myself and panic during all car rides. (Organized driving does not exist in India from what I experienced last trip.)
All in all, work will be done and sweet memories made. We will return to the states a little wiser and more humbled. Reverse culture shock will be real and we will ride on the travel high. We will come back down to earth, regroup with normal life and share the stories of a far away land that will always be woven into our hearts.
*Be sure to follow our journey via Instagram and Facebook. Follow @tribealive, @erinloechner, and @michaelnewsted for updates. I will be posting updates on the Tribe Alive blog throughout and my personal blog.